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We are thrilled to introduce our new series of employee spotlights, designed to highlight and celebrate the incredible individuals who make Down Wind Sports thrive. Each edition will delve into the unique talents, interests and personal stories of our team members, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the diverse experiences and skills of our staff. Through this series, we aim to shine a light on the hard work and dedication of our employees, fostering a deeper sense of connection and appreciation within our workplace. Stay tuned as we embark on this journey to recognize and honor the exceptional contributions of our valued colleagues.

It's not uncommon to find that we often have young people working our sales floor and this might be their first ever employment. We are very proud of all of our employees, especially those who start their work careers with us and show confidence in their ability to educate customers on outdoor gear & clothing as well as local knowledge on where to use it! If you stop by our Marquette location, Nolan Dixon is one of those employees.

Nolan was Born and raised in Marquette Michigan and has been going into Down Wind ever since he can remember. His first bike was from the store when he was only 4 years old! You can still find him riding trails and going on gravel rides.
Nolan enjoys all kinds of outdoor adventures including climbing, camping, skiing, and paddle sports! Nolan is a senior at Marquette Senior High School and co-founded the Marquette Senior High School Outdoor Recreation Club which provides experience, skill, outreach, and opportunities for high school students. After high school, Nolan hopes to continue with a career in the outdoor industry!
Nolan loves to talk skis from alpine to telemark and bikes from vintage to modern, so stop in and say hi or find him locally listening and playing music.