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Cross Country Ski Wax Clinic In Houghton

The snow is finally falling and we're getting excited to ski! Our local trails have started preparing the trails so now it's time to get your skis ready!

Join us in our Houghton store on December 8th for an Introduction to Nordic Ski Waxing class presented by TOKO wax. This evening course will be taught by our local Toko wax tech Mike Young and will teach you the skills you need to have the fastest skis on the trails this winter. With information on both skate and classic ski waxing, Mike will help you on your way to becoming a wax master.

On top of the priceless knowledge you'll pick up over the evening, we'll be offering 15% off all of our ski wax and wax tools to help make sure you have everything you need to practice the skills you learn. (Houghton Store Only)